Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Weight Loss Journey - Month 5

See, I told you I was late with last month's weight loss journey post! I just posted it 10 days ago, and I'm posting the next month now.

The month started with a very slow week, and was a bit frustrating considering I doubled my workout time and saw no results on the scale.  After talking with fellow WW members and my leader, she thought I may not have eaten enough to compensate for my increased workout.  I have kept that in mind as I move forward.

Additionally, this past month introduced a whole new set of challenges for me as I introduced traveling into the mix of trying to eat healthy and exercise. I have a pretty good routine down while I'm at home, I guess it was time to through something new into my journey to health and fitness. My weigh-in after my trip was frustrating none-the-less. But, I learned a lot from the experience.

I traveled to Minnesota for a week for my Uncle Frankie's funeral. The trip started out long on good intentions, but didn't last past day three. I flew in on Saturday morning my bag filled with my trusty Fiber One Bars. Daughter #1 and her roommate, Laura, picked me up at the MSP airport and we headed to Mall of America where I ate at Subway--one point for me! That evening, we went to a Chinese buffet restaurant near my daughter's apartment. I was good and chose items with vegetables and unbreaded meat. I think I ate a full plate of mushrooms. I LOVE mushrooms...they should be their own food group! I did eat two wontons, but other than that, I made good choices.

The next two days, food wise, were filled with hotdishes, various Jello salads, scalloped potatoes and ham--all of which were a throw back to my childhood and were quite tasty. I ate small portions, enough to satisfy but not over due it.

The last three days were a free-for-all. I met friends for dinner, and ordered a steak salad, but also ate onion rings. On the last day I went all out and ate breaded mushrooms and a reuben sandwich, after having McDonalds for breakfast. I think I used all my weekly points that day and then some.

On top of all of this, I didn't work out at all.  Nada, nothing, none.

And all of this was reflected at my weigh-in the Monday after returning to Colorado.  I was up for the first time since joining WW last October.  What did I learn?  That my food choices just were not worth the weight gain.  I've worked hard for these last months to get to where I'm at and don't want to go backwards.  I know the next time I travel, I will better prepare and not make the choices I made this time.  The week after my weigh-in, I went back to basics, and it showed the following week where I lost what I'd gained, and then some!  I also learned that if you go off program, buck up and get back on!  Don't give up!  Life truly is a journey with many ups and downs and you just gotta get back on the path if you wander off.

Time for this month's results...

Month 5 -2.8 lbs
TOTAL -23.4 lbs

Month 5 Details         Weekly     Total
Feb 15 (Week 17)    -.2 lbs       -20.8 lbs
Feb 22 (Week 18)     *in Minnesota - no weigh in
Mar 1  (Week 19)     +1.6 lbs    -19.2 lbs
Mar 8  (Week 20)     -4.2 lbs     -23.4 lbs

Foods that got me through:  1) Fiber One Bars, as usual.  2) Eggbeaters and hashbrowns, and 3) stocking up on fresh vegetables (mushrooms, of course!) and fruit.

Goals for Month 6:  1) Continue with my exercise regime  2)  Back to Basics all the way!

Until next month...



  1. Thanks for including me on your blog roll and congrats on your weight loss!
