Miss you dad.
Thank you to all the men and women who've given their life defending our freedom and to all those, past and present, who've served in our armed forces. There are no words that can express my heartfelt thanks for all you do. God bless you.
Happy Memorial Day
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Pomp and Circumstance!
It's hard to believe...
that my baby...
is all grown up.
Say it isn't so!!!
My baby graduated from high school today. God gave us a glorious day to celebrate with these young people who are so full of hopes and dreams. We are so proud of our girl and so excited for where her bright future will take her. But it's also bittersweet~she's our baby.
A donut for breakfast!
Getting ready at home.
Waiting for the festivities to begin.
Greg, John and Dad. Greg sprang Dad from the hospital for the day. He did really well!
Pomp and Circumstance ~ Miranda and Haley walking in together. Both are attending CU Boulder in the fall.
My Baby. Jim and I did pretty good with the waterworks...but see that flower in Haley's hand? During the parent song, "Never Grow Up", by Taylor Swift, all the seniors left their seats, found their parents and gave them the flower. Oh, yeah, there were tears. Many tears.
Front Row ~ Miranda, Haley, Bridget and Topher.
Standing tall and proud. See that glorious sky? Given the rain we've had the last two weeks, God truly gave us a wonderful day. And the wonder came home with us in the form of sunburn. Failure to bring sunscreen = bright red lobster skin!
Bridget turned to hug Haley after receiving her valedictorian medal.
Haley receiving her valedictorian medal from Principal Payne.
Co-Valedictorians. All sixteen Erie High School co-valedictorians had GPAs over 4.0 (due to AP and college classes available as part of their cirriculum).
Haley receiving her diploma from Principal Payne. She LOVES those shoes!
Haley and Principal Payne.
Seniors batting beach balls in the beautiful Colorado sky.
Listening to Topher deliver the farewell speech.
It's official!
Haley and Bridget, best friends.
New graduate and her big sister!
Haley with mom and dad.
Our family ~ Backrow Jim, Me, John, Eden, Greg; front row, Haley and Grandpa. Photo by Megan
Haley and best bud, Foley.
Haley, Topher and Bridget.
Dinner and celebration at Buffalo Wild Wings!
Haley and Grandpa.
Congratulations Haley! Dad and I couldn't be more proud of the young woman you've become. We hope all your hopes and dreams come true!
'til next time~find your joy!
'til next time~find your joy!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Season Begins...
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. --E.E. Cummings
Last night was Erie High School's NHS Ceremony where they inducted the sophomores and said farewell to the Seniors.
The ceremony begins.
Haley receiving her NHS certificate.
Outgoing officers, Haley, co-secretary, Bridget and Topher, co-presidents and Jason, co-secretary.
Haley lighting the scholarship candle, one of the four pillars of National Honor Society.
My baby.
Haley and Bridget.
Best Buds.
'til next time~find your joy!
Last night was Erie High School's NHS Ceremony where they inducted the sophomores and said farewell to the Seniors.
It was a nice program--not too long, not too short--and there were no tears from yours truly.
The ceremony begins.
Haley receiving her NHS certificate.
Outgoing officers, Haley, co-secretary, Bridget and Topher, co-presidents and Jason, co-secretary.
Haley lighting the scholarship candle, one of the four pillars of National Honor Society.
My baby.
Haley and Bridget.
Best Buds.
'til next time~find your joy!
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