Disclaimer: I apologize in advance for the length of this post. Once I started the words just came pouring out. I couldn't seem to stop my fingers. Oh, and for the commas too. I just love commas.
Friday started like any other, Haley and me up early, showering and primping, getting ready to head out for the day, Haley to school and me to work. Jim is usually downstairs making us breakfast but in honor of his birthday week we let him sleep in.
Am I an awesome wife, or what?
Today, however, Haley was riding all the way into Boulder with me to tour the CU campus and participate in ‘Be a CU Student for the Day’. The University of Colorado-Boulder (CU) is Haley’s first choice of college, and lucky for us, it’s conveniently located in the same city where I work!
Haley needed to arrive between 7:30 and 8:00 am to register. I needed to be at work by 7:50 because I was conducting a training starting at 8:00.
Friday is trash day. I rolled the garbage and recycle cans to the curb and noticed the car, parked in the driveway, was covered in heavy frost. I headed inside to get the keys to start it and blast the defrosters, but the keys weren’t on the hook. Since Haley had driven us home the night before, I thought she probably had the keys in her coat pocket up in her room. After checking with her, she couldn’t find them. We spent 10 minutes looking for them and finally decided to just use the extra car key.
Car started, heat on full blast, good-bye November frost—check.
We have a Mr. Coffee Jr. which is 25 years old. Jim and I don’t drink coffee, but we purchased the machine years back so we’d be able to make coffee when my parents would visit. Both of our daughters have become coffee drinkers, so now, instead of sitting for months on end on a shelf in the back of a cupboard, this dated, out-of-style mini coffee maker has a prominent place on the counter.
I pulled open the plastic tray that holds the coffee filter expecting to find yesterday’s grounds, but instead found it prepared with a fresh filter and fresh coffee.
I thought,
my husband is so awesome and thoughtful.
I proceeded to fill the coffee carafe with the appropriate amount of water and pour it into Mr. Coffee Jr.
It never crossed my mind that my awesome husband had also filled the water reservoir. Instantly water started coming out of everywhere. It seemed to be leaking from the pores of the plastic.
When all was said and done and the mess cleaned up, the coffee was a tad on the weak side--a very light brown color. I made Haley a cup of coffee anyway.
Coffee, International House of Coffee Caramel Macchiato, sugar. Coffee prepared—check.
No need to pack lunches today. Lunch is part of Haley’s day at CU and I had plenty of lunches in the fridge at work. Seems I’ve been eating out a bit more often than I should.
As we were about to leave, for some unknown reason, I went to the closet and rummaged through the pockets of the leather coat I wore to work yesterday and what should I find but my set of keys. Haley must have handed them to me as we got out of the car the night before.
Sigh of relief.
Missing keys not missing anymore—check.
Twelve minutes later we’re zooming down 52 when I’m instantly struck by one of those sock-you-in-the-stomach thoughts that cause a gasp and sudden intake of air.
You know the ones I mean.
You’re basking in the glory of the beautiful sunny morning and BAM! Suddenly no amount of sun can fix the fact that the key to my office is on my key ring. NOT the key ring that’s in the car’s ignition.
I’m the trainer, mind you, for an 8 am training session. This is not good.
In my past life, this would not have been a big deal. We had cards we scanned to get in the building and I would keep that in my car before and after work. And we had regular hours in which the lobby would be unlocked.
Not so in my small office of 15 employees. We all have keys. And, I’m the first person in the door.
Every day. Well, 98.258483% of the time, anyway.
What can I say? I work with a bunch of 24 and 25 year old computer software developers who have Nerf gun fights in the commons area for their afternoon break.
It’s actually quite refreshing. One day I’m going to surprise them all and show up with my own Nerf gun—but that’s another story.
These young but wonderfully talented engineers don’t typically roll in until nine. Or ten. Or sometimes later.
Don’t worry. They pull far more than 40 hours a week. They just start and end their day on a very different schedule than I do.
I digress—back to the gripping story…I mean, you are riveted to the screen to read what happens next, right?
I thought so.
I pat my pockets and try to remember what I did with the keys once I found them.
I thought about hanging them on the hook. Or, did I leave them on the counter?
Haley grabs my computer bag, digging through the pockets. No keys.
Missing keys are missing once again—uncheck.
Suddenly, I’m doing a 180 and heading back toward the house, knowing that the trip back home was going to cost us 25 minutes and our carefully planned travel window was now in the negative.
I’m the trainer, mind you, for a training that starts at 8 am. This is not good.
I pull up to the driveway and Haley has the car door open and her feet on the ground almost before I’m at a complete stop. Oh, and her coffee travel mug is in hand to deposit on the counter. Ah, yeah, she couldn’t drink the mixture of sugar and creamer. Remember, I did say the coffee was a light brown color.
Coffee, undrinkable—uncheck.
Moments later she’s back in the car.
No keys.
They are not on the counter. They are not on the hook.
I panic and pat the pockets on my jacket again. Then, I actually stick my hands in my pockets.
What do you know, the keys are right there, deep in my rightside jacket pocket.
Haley is tense because she’s now going to be borderline late for registration and I’m stressed about the training that’s supposed to start at 8am.
Did I mention I have a training at 8 am?
All I can say is thank God for my Droid phone and Google Docs and my lead foot.
Once I dropped Haley off at CU with ten minutes to spare (thanks to the aforementioned lead foot), while waiting at the stop light (after all I did sign Oprah’s Don’t Text and Drive petition) I was looking up my trainee’s phone number to tell him we’d start a few minutes late and I would call him when I was settled in the office.
Oh, and ever fuflfilling my motherly duties, I did tell Haley to do as I say, not as I do. No speeding.
Turns out, the trainee wanted to reschedule anyway.
Stressed out for nothing.
Turns out the information Haley got on line regarding the registrations time was off by half an hour. Registration was from 8:00-8:30. She was there with plenty of time. She stressed for nothing.
I mistakenly thought the day was looking up. Poor assumption on my part. Remember what they say about assuming...
Settled at work, one fire after another ignited. What I had planned to work on for the day went up in smoke.
So, to ease my frustration, I went to lunch with the boys.
It’s okay. I call them
the boys in front of them.
I went out to lunch again. NOT good.
We went to the Dark Horse Saloon. It’s an old western saloon that has wall to wall paraphernalia cabled to the ceiling. I’m talking big stuff. Like real horse-drawn wagons and sleds (minus the horses, of course), a Bob’s Big Boy figure from I’m guessing the 50s, and a freaky looking humungous clown figure, to name a few.
The thought that it would come crashing down on us did cross my mind.
I barely escaped with my life.
Just kidding. Wouldn’t you know the chipotle chicken sandwich was pretty good. I’ll probably have to drag some out-of-state visitors there.
The afternoon continued to be a fire drill, culminating in me trying to get out a communication before I left and cutting the time really close to get Haley back to the school for basketball.
In my haste I left my computer power cord at work.
Good thing my awesome husband has the same power cord and we can share.
- - - - - - - - - -
The day--better yet-- the work week has come to a close.
I made it home without incident.
My keys are safely hung on their hook.
And I'm snuggled in my chair in my pjs. Everything that is right and good has been restored.
There is balance in the world.
Thanks for listening. I feel soooo much better now.
‘til next time,